Welcome to BibleDaze

Join us in exploring scripture and uncovering misconceptions commonly held. While our website is in its early stages, we are committed to publishing fresh insights every month. We also provide links to other resources to satisfy curious minds seeking further knowledge.

Study Scripture

We are dedicated to the studying of scripture in a biblically accurate manner. We believe that the Bible is the inspired and authoritative word of God and that understanding and interpreting it correctly is crucial for spiritual growth and discernment. On this website, you will find resources and guidance for interpreting and studying scripture, as well as information on common misconceptions and pitfalls to avoid. Whether you're a seasoned theologian or just starting out, we hope this website will be a helpful tool in your journey of studying and understanding the Bible in a biblically accurate manner.

Evidence for the Bible & the Existence of God

We are living in the age marked “the scientific revolution,” where scientific knowledge has been increasing at an astounding rate since entering the 20th century. Radical new concepts and theories involving our understanding of the universe, nature, the Earth we live on, our origins, and the structure of the DNA world have revolutionized our thinking. During this new age even archaeology has played a more significant role, giving us all a new historical understanding, previously unobtainable. Or was it actually obtainable?


What if most of these discoveries and revolutionary concepts we were taught in school as “breakthroughs” for their time, were actually given to humanity thousands of years prior? When looking at the Bible through the lens of science, that’s exactly what we see has happened. Through a series of articles, we will be looking at some of these examples to show that this “new” knowledge was made available to humanity by God, and has always been available to us if we would just look in the right place. For as the Bible states, “for the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse (Romans 1:20).  

Sunday is honored by many Christians as being the LORD’s Day. Why was the Sabbath day changed and on who’s authority? Additionally, why do churches teach we no longer observe the other Sabbaths, known as God’s Feast Days?

If you're interested in exploring these topics further, we recommend clicking the link below to learn about the reasons behind the Sabbath change and the ongoing significance of observing the Feasts.

Call to Action:

We invite you to explore these recommended charities, learn more about their missions, and consider how you can contribute to their life-changing work.

In the pages of the Bible, we find a resounding call to compassion and charity. It's not merely a suggestion but a divine mandate to care for the less fortunate among us. As believers, it's our privilege and responsibility to ensure that our charitable efforts are in line with God's teachings. To assist you in this sacred mission, we've meticulously researched and selected a set of meaningful charities that embody the principles of biblical charity.

Understanding Bible Verses Regarding Clean and Unclean Foods.


Feel free to contact us by email with questions.
