Additional Resources and Kingdom-Oriented Ministries

Our purpose is to seek and bring the truth to all nations, unlearn false doctrines and traditions of men, and to equip the body to live and practice the Word as God originally intended.

We find that continuously examining the Scriptures (in the same Hebraic first century context and perspective in which they were written and understood) reveals to His people much more understanding, as opposed to the more common Greek mindset that is a couple thousand years removed.

Our Mission

Test Everything, including ourselves, both popular and unpopular doctrine, and consequently reveal and promote His eternal truth while encouraging all others to do the same.

Provide a vehicle to disseminate Yahweh's truth and the whole Word of God to help others also seek, teach, and live out the truth of the Word.

Serve the Body of the Messiah by offering free, testable, easily sharable, quality teachings for you and your house.

Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ effectively. We focus on providing answers to questions about the Bible—particularly the book of Genesis—regarding key issues such as creation, evolution, science, and the age of the earth.

In the Bible, the word “church” doesn’t mean the building, the leader, or the entertainment. 

“Church” means assembly.

The Church is the people—a body of believers. We’re a church dedicated to learning and doing the will of God. 

Our congregations vary in size from a few dozen to several hundred. We come from all kinds of backgrounds, but share a vision—to preach the Gospel and prepare a people.

Our outreach and Sabbath services are Bible-centered, teaching directly from the Word of God. Whether your local congregation is big or small, you’ll find a caring pastor who offers biblical teaching and personal counseling so we can grow together.

The Creator never intended for us to be confused by His words. He gave us His Words of life, and He gave them in context, to be understood and beneficial to our walk with Him. This channel's goal is to bring clarity to some of the misconceptions that have formed over time among believers and taught by others, however innocent and well-intended. The Scriptures make complete sense when we keep its words in context of His coming kingdom and His coming King, Jesus the Messiah. Sharing the gospel of the context.

Our statements of faith derived from Scripture

New2Torah is filled with Biblical wisdom, engaging in thought-provoking discussions on what is required of followers of Christ, debates of Creation vs. Evolution, and crucial topics related to Emergency Preparedness. Join us on our ministry's YouTube channel where we bridge the gap between ancient wisdom and contemporary challenges, all while seeking a deeper understanding of faith, science, and readiness.

There is a LITERAL Kingdom above your head and the purpose of this channel is to get you to understand what that means for your life now and what it means for your future.

My name is Adam. I have no agenda, other than truth. I was led on a journey of truth and found Yahuah’s Word, to be THE truth. I believe Yahusha Is the only way to our Father and the only real truth in this world. Choose, trust and follow him before it is done. On this channel, you will find a place to love, grow and fellowship in true love, which is done so in the Spirit, giving all thanks to Yahuah, our Father. I do my best to upload videos as often as I can and we do a weekly Livestream/Virtual Church/Congregation every Friday at 8:00 pm CST, right here on YouTube and Torah Portions following directly afterwards. Yahuah bless thee, and keep thee: Yahuah make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: Yahuah lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace. And they shall put my name upon the children of Israel, and I will bless Numbers 6:24-27

WesBlazeMusik's YouTube channel and Facebook page are excellent resources to help you grasp the Bible better, and they've got some really fascinating insights into Biblical Cosmology. It's like joining a friendly conversation that takes you deeper into the Scriptures. If you're hungry for fresh perspectives on age-old wisdom, this is the place to be. Trust me; you'll be hooked! is dedicated to seeking, teaching, and living out the whole truth of the Word. Our purpose is to constantly seek and bring the Word to families in all nations. We desire to help families unlearn false teachings and traditions of men, and equip them to grow in the Word. In this, we hope to convey how to live and practice the Word as originally intended.

ProbablyAlexandra's channel is dedicated to uncovering the unfiltered truth. Her content focuses on examining alleged deceptions perpetrated by influential entities. Topics explored include occult societies, government-led programming and grooming, and critical examinations of mainstream religious beliefs. If you seek in-depth investigations and a serious analysis of these subjects click the Learn More tab to find out more. You can also click here to see her content on odysee.